Greg Alexander
Ports & Harbors Market Segment Leader & Engineering Group Leader

Greg Alexander is our Ports & Harbor Market Segment Leader, an Engineering Group Leader, a Senior Project Manager, and a registered civil engineer with 20 years of analytical and regulatory experience in the public and private sectors. Many of his efforts are focused on the goods movement and power generation industries. He helps clients overcome regulatory issues and technical barriers to successfully reduce air emissions and operating costs while eliminating inefficiencies. Greg is also deeply involved in emission reduction and electrification strategies for ocean-going vessels, cargo-handling equipment, and on-road trucks.
Greg is a board member of the Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce (HAIC) and active in the American Association Port Authority (AAPA) Environmental/Energy committee. His expansive port experience at the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Hueneme, Houston, and others spans from environmental planning, alternative fuel vehicles, and incentives programs to CEQA and NEPA issues, permitting, and regulatory compliance.